about resume
In general, however, the resume should include:
IDENTIFICATION DATA: name, address (or two addresses--present and permanent)
, and phone number(s) (including area code).
OBJECTIVE: a single phrase expressing the specific type of employment you are seeking and/or the principal skills you want to use on the job. Some people prepare two or more resumes with different objectives. Once you formulatea clear objective, you can use it almost as a thesis for the remainder of your resume; only information that supports your career objective should be in
cluded on the resume.
EDUCATION: basic details about your education, including college location (city and state), degree, date of graduation (or expected graduation), major, related course work and (possibly) G.P.A. Most college students do not need to include information about secondary school, but it is important to summarize education attained through community colleges, other colleges (i.e., tra
nsfer credits), and specialized training programs.
EMPLOYMENT: brief summaries of principle employment to date. Start with your current (or most recent) position and work backward. Include all employment relevant to your career objective in any way. Internships and cooperative experience can be listed either under employment or under education.
Provide the name of the employer, the employer's location, your job title, dates of employment, and simple verb phrases to summarize your main activities on the job (see "action verb" list). When ever possible quantify and qualify data with specific details and statistics that illustrate your potential.
ACTIVITIES/HONORS/SPECIAL SKILLS: additional areas that may be included on the resume if space allows. List all major activities and awards as well as any skills that are relevant to your career objective. These can show leadership, organization, critical thinking, teamwork, self management, initiative and influencing others.
PERSONAL DATA: such as height, weight, sex, and marital status should not be listed on the resume. Such factors are irrelevant and cannot legally be considered in employment decisions.
REFERENCES: and, in some cases, portfolios or transcripts can be listed as "available upon request" if you have enough room at the bottom of the resume. Have references, phone numbers, and business addresses ready on a separate sheet whenever you go to an interview.
Remember to keep all information on the resume concise and clear. A one-page resume is best, although people with extensive experience or advanced degrees may have to use two pages. Be scrupulously careful when you proofread; some employers will refuse to consider candidates who submit resumes with spelling or typographical errors.
Verb phrases are the strongest way to describe previous job responsibilities. To write verb phrases, pretend you're telling someone about your job, beginning each sentence with "I. . . . " For example, "I supervise ten employees. I organize mass mailings. I arrange airline and hotel reservations." On the resume, you omit the "I" and use only the remaining verb phrases to describe the work you do: "Supervise ten employees. Organize mass mailings. Arrange airline and hotel reservations." Use present tense verb phrases for jobs you currently hold and past tense for former jobs. If you have any difficulty finding the right verbs to describe your work, choose from the following list:
accomplished achieved
acquired acted
adapted addressed
adjusted administered
advanced advised
allocated analyzed
applied appraised
approved arranged
assembled assigned
assisted attained
audited author
automated balanced
brought budgeted
built calculated
catalogued chaired
changed clarified
coached collected
communicated compared
compiled completed
composed computed
computerized conceptualized
conceived concluded
conducted conserved
consolidated contained
continued contracted
contributed controlled
coordinated corrected
corresponded counseled
created critiqued
cut decreased
delegated decided
defined delivered
demonstrated determined
designed developed
devised diagnosed
directed dispatched
distinguished distributed
diversified drafted
edited educated
eliminated enabled
encouraged engineered
enlisted established
ensured estimated
evaluated examined
executed expanded
expedited extracted
fabricated facilitated
familiarized fashioned
finalized focused
forecast formulated
founded gathered
generated graded
guided handled
headed up identified
illustrated implemented
improved increased
indoctrinated influenced
informed initiated
innovated inspected
instructed insured
integrated interpreted
interviewed introduced
invented investigated
kept launched
lectured led
made maintained
managed manufactured
marketed mediated
moderated modified
monitored motivated
negotiated observed
operated ordered
organized originated
outsold overhauled
oversaw participated
performed persuaded
planned prepared
presented presided
prioritized processed
produced programmed
projected promoted
proposed provided
publicized published
purchased recommended
reconciled recorded
recruited reduced
referred regulated
rehabilitated related
remodeled repaired
reported represented
researched restored
restructured retrieved
reversed reviewed
revised revitalized
saved scheduled
schooled screened
selected serviced
set shaped
screened selected
simplified skilled
sold solidified
solved specified
stimulated streamlined
strengthened suggested
summarized supervised
surveyed systemized
tabulated taught
tested trained
translated traveled
trimmed updated
upgraded validated
worked wrote
Does the overall appearance make an employer want to read it?
Is the layout professional?
Is the information organized so it is easy to read? (If the employer just skims through it, would their eyes pick up the key points?)
Is it well typed? (Do not mix print styles. Important titles should be under lined. Use bold and capital letters only when appropriate.)
Is it printed on good quality paper? (Remember to avoid colored paper; it does not copy well.)
Are all words spelled correctly? (Have your resume proof-read by a valued colleague.)
Is the writing style clear? (Do not use jargon.)
Do statements begin with action verbs and communicate accomplishments and results?
Are verb tenses consistent? (Have your resume proof-read by someone who is good in English.)
Is the employment objective well-written and clear? (Tailoring your resume to the job you are applying for increases your success rate.)
Is the major discipline explained in brief if it is one that the employers may not understand?
Are employment experiences listed in reverse chronological order?
Do your strengths stand out? Is it easy to get a clear picture of your qualifications?
Does your resume stress accomplishments and skills more than responsibilities and duties?
Does your resume sell your problem-solving abilities?
Does your resume show volunteer work that might be relevant to the position sought?
Did you account for all periods of time? (The employer will look for this.)
Has irrelevant information been eliminated? Could your resume tell the same story if it were shortened?
Can the same information be limited to one page?